French biryani is a Kannada comedy-drama movie that is led by Pannaga Bharana, produced by Ashwini Puneet and Rajkumar and Gurudath that a talwar. Starring Danish Saut and Sal Yusuf, and songs by Vasuki Vaibhav. Production PRK Productions. It’s published on 24 July 2020. The film was scheduled to release in theatres but due to the COVID19 pandemic, it has launched online on Amazon Prime. This Movie is a fully comedy packed drama that forces you to laugh if you understand Kanada then you need to.
The movie is shooted in Shivajinagar a neighborhood with much more energy and noisy activity in easy words it is possible to say the major central area where bustles are around the summit. A place where you can observe the different individuals speaking different languages from various regions. It’s not just Kannada film as we mentioned that there you may see more languages as multilingual. It also comprises an inter-religious marriage of a new which shows their love and their battles towards their union and it doesn’t promote appreciate jihad.
A Frenchman named Simon lands in India by error as a peddler. Normally, you see movies in which gangsters, mafias, drug peddlers, and comedy seem separate but in this film, it’s a mix where gangsters are amusing you and make you laugh out of control.
In this movie you need to confuse at least because the major character Asagr is a caricature without arc over the duration of its own rhythms. In actuality, we know so little about Asgar, and also we know about him very little. French biryani is a film in which you’ll be able to get to know around three times in the life of an autorickshaw driver when he met a French emigrant. In that you also see some similarities like Delhi belly when you’ve watched that but you won’t find it funny as Delhi belly. Most of the characters of the are humorous, stupid, and dumb as per their work hence we could say that you will find it funny but for this, you need to watch the film, as you know that the movie was published on 24 July on Amazon prime’s On the top platform so so watch and keep tuned with us.